Thursday, October 9, 2008

Live Your Dream!!!

Could you use a little extra money each month?

Do you desire finacial freedom?

email to learn how you can LIVE YOUR DREAM!!!!!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

It's a sickness!!!!

I am truly convinced volunteerism is a sickness!! I can't seem to stop volunteering for crap!!! OK, in the last month here is what I have volunteered for:

Room Parent for Amelia's kindy class--this requires me coordinating all the room parties and correspondences with PTA.
Room Parent for Ty & Livs 1st grade class--same duties as above.
Room workshop volunteer in Amelias class on Tuesday mornings
Room Workshop volunteer in Ty & Livs class on Friday afternoons.
Classroom photographer for Amelia's class.
Co-Leader for Amelias Daisy Girl Scout troop.
Cookie Sales coordinator for Liv's Brownie troop.

These added to the things I had previously volunteered for....
Making 150 wedding invitations for my cousin getting married Jan 30th , 2009.
Live/Silent Auction Chair person for a local non-profit organization raising money for breast cancer research--Auction being held Nov 8, 2008.
Building a website for my brother's custom autobody shop.

All of this voluntewer stuff ON TOP of my already busy schedule.......
Emily ballet Friday mornings.
Tyler soccer practice Monday & Wednesdays with games every Saturday morning.
Tyler football practice every Tues & Thurs with a game every Saturday afternoon.
Amelia Daisy troop meeting every-other Friday afternoon.
Olivia Brownie meeting every-other Wednesday (opposite weeks of Amelia Daisy meetings.)
Doing the books for Steve's business.
Getting my own direct sales homebased business off the ground with business meetings every Tueday night.

And let's not forget the things that the kids want to add.........
Tyler wants to join Cub Scouts.
Olivia wants to play tennis.
Amelia wants to take cooking classes.
Emily wants to take Tap Dance classes.

Oh, and don't let me forget I want to somehow find more time to devote to my scrapbooking and photography!!!!

Seriously, I'm sick!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The decisions we make.......

This past weekend Steve and I headed to a family wedding 5 hours away, yep 5 hours of pure madness in the car with 4 kids. We had the typical "She's touching me!" and "She's being too loud!" and "How much longer?" and "Are we there yet?" conversations. Not to mention the "I'm hungry!" and "I'm thirsty!" and "I'm bored!" statements. Now I must admit I got EXTREMELY frustrated with the last three statements considering I packed each child a snack bag with various different snacks and each child had their own water bottle within their reach and to top it off I put together activity bags for EACH child with coloring books, crayons, books, white boards and white board pens, spiral notebooks and pens, sticker books with stickers PLUS we purchased brand new never before seen DVDs for the ride AND STILL I got the "I'm bored!" uuggghhhh, GOD BLESS AMERICA, I can't win with them!

So moving onto the wedding......Thankfully my children were VERY well behaved and enjoyed themselves until we reached an hour past bedtime and Em began to meltdown which was our cue to leave.

Before we could leave however DH's cousin (the groom) asked us to wait a few minutes because he had an annoucement to make. So we waited..............Cousin began by telling his assembled guest how he and his new wife met, how much they had in comin..blah, blah, blah...then he went on to talk about how we make decisions in life that at the time seem the correct one, but after further evaluation you discover that it really wasn't the best decision you could have made. He followed this statement with announcing that he and his new wife actually got married in January 2006!!! Needless to say this was met with utter silence for a minute or two, followed by the grooms mother making a comment about "wondering" why the bride had changed her name over a year ago. Then someone....I don't know who...said "We love you anyway." and clapping began.

Now, in my opinion, I think this was something that should have been told to the bride and grooms parents privately either before or after the wedding and that it really didn't need to be mentioned to their entire assembly of guest. Again JUST MY OPINION!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Back to school, back to school.........

Did you say that like Adam Sandler in Billy Madison???? I love that movie!!!

We went "back to school,back to school on wednesday and everyone had a GREAT day!!!

Amelia got the same kindergarten teacher Tyler and Liv had last year and Tyler and Livie got a teacher who taught kindy last year and who moved up to teach 1st this year. They are all very happy!

Big Kindergartner with her new bac-pac.

Does she look like a first grader!!!??

OMG! Another first grader!!!

Heading into kindy class.

Lined up for class.

End of the day.

It's so strange for me taking pictures of my kids in front of the same school sign my mom took pictures of me in front of. Amelia is even in the same kindergarten classroom I was in 20+yrs ago!!! Don't even get me started on my 5th grade teacher now being the receptionist in the office and RECOGNIZING me when I came to turn in paperwork for the kids......CRAZY!!!!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Summer Time Fun

As our summer rolls to an end I reflect on the summer fun we've had.

We planted a garden with Daddy. Even though we planted late our garden has produced some very yummy tomatoes and snap peas, not to mention the GIGANTIC cucumbers currently growing!!

We enjoyed the new rope swing Daddy made and hung from the tree in our front yard.

We helped Daddy wash the cars and had great fun getting Daddy wet in the process!!

On somedays we just hung out.

We took swim lessons, now we have 4 little fish!!

We went to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom EVERY week with our cousins.

We played dress-up and acted goofy.

We went for hikes.

We ran through the sprinkler.

We danced with umbrellas.

We drank from the sprinkler.

We got a new puppy.

Overall I think we had a really great summer.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Mama Monday -- Daily Schedule/Routine

One of my daily blog visits is to ">this blog. Every monday she does a post called "mama Monday". Today I decided to link to my blog because I LOVED the subject. For those that know me well know I'm all about schedules and routines!!!

I am a SAHM to 4 kids and the bookeeper/office manager for my husbands homebased landscape construction co. my kids are twins almost 7, a daughter almost 6 and a daughter almost 4. Tyler & Olivia are in 1st grade fromn 8:25-2:45, Amelia is in kindergarten from 8:15-11:40 and Emily goes to preschool Tues & Thurs from 8:30-12:30.

On Tues & Thurs while Emily is in preschool I aide in the other kids classrooms (Tues in Amelia's, Thurs in Tyler & Livs) On Fridays Emily spends the morning and early afternoon with grandma & grandpa...this is her special day. On Mondays grandma & grandpa pick-up Amelia from school and she spends the afternoon with them..this is her special day. On wednesday grandma & grandpa pick up the twins and they stay with them until after dinner...this is their special day.

With those activities being said here is how are regular routine/schedule goes.....
times vary daily, but we ALWAYS do the same things in the same order.

7:00-8:00am Wake-up, eat breakfast, shower, get dressed, make beds
8:00am head out to school
8:30am-10:00am Errands....Mondays are grocery day, Wednesday is random errand day and on Fridays I return back home and do the business books for the week.
10:00am-11:00am snack time & free play for Emily. If Em is playing well independantly, I check email, read blogs ect. Otherwise she and I play games, read ect.
11:00am-11:15 15 minute clean-up (I set the timer for 15 minutes and we pick-up until it buzzes, when the bell rings we are done even if things aren't completely cleaned up.)
11:15 we walk to pick up Amelia at school.
11:30-12:30 Our lunch hour. This includes the girls helping to prepare lunch and cleaning up after lunch..if we are home I ALWAYS make a hot lunch.
12:30- 1:00 TV time...they can watch one show.
1:00-1:30-2:00 Outside free play. During this time the girls can only play outside..inside is off-limits. We may go for a nature walk, go to the park or the girls just play in the yard.
1:30-2:30 art/craft time. I usually do some scrapbooking or we do a craft project together...some time these are on going projects that we work on everyday until we have a finished project.
2:30-2:45 15 minute cleasn-up time
2:45 we leave to pick up the twins at school.
3:00-3:30 snack time and TV time. One show only.
3:30-4:30 Free play. The kids can play inside or outside..the choice is theirs. During this time I'm making dinner preperations, returning phone calls, booking appointments for DH, doing some house cleaning...laundry, sweeping ect.
4:30-5:30 Homework time. The older kids work on their work from school and Emily works in activity books I have for her. If the older kids don't have homework sent from school I do some homeschooling fun activites with them that coincide with what they are learning in school and we do some reading.
5:30-6:00 DH usually gets home around this time. I start making dinner...usually with the girls helping me. They set the table, help with mixing ect. Unless they choose to play with Daddy. Tyler usually has free play with Daddy or he can watch TV.
6:00-6:15 15 minute clean-up time.
6:15-7:00 Dinner. We use dinner time to reconnect as a family and talk about our day.
7:00-7:30 We do dinner clean-up..everyone has to help.
7:30-8:00 Bedtime prep...bath, shower, brush teeth, get into jammies ect.
8:00-8:30 Into bed, story time, off to sleep.
8:30-11:00 Steve and I have our chat time, we watch TV or we work on the computer.
11:00 Bedtime for Steve and I. We always go to bed at the same time unless he is staying up late to work on a landscape plan or do a landcape quote.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

His name is Rio...........

and he's the cutest puppy to grace our land!!! LOL!!!

Yep, that's right, we bit the bullet and got a puppy! Ty and Liv are in heaven...Amelia and Em, not so much! Amelia will only come near him if he's being held by Steve or I and Emily hasn't gotten off the couch since he arrived home on Saturday. Poor kids...we must be horrible parents to bring in a puppy when 2 of our children are untterly TERRIFIED of dogs!!! Anyway....Isn't he just too darn cute!!!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'm so excited!!!!

I recently became an Independant Representative for an awesome direct sales co. With this compnay I have the opportunity to offer a multitude of products and services...all without having to do "home parties"!!! I couldn't ask for a better business!!!

Through my website I can offer customers competetative rates on their cell phone service, their long distance carrier, their travel plans, home security, magazine subscriptions and many more. I offer True Essential Vitamins, Lamas Beauty products and discounts at online stores like,, Lowes, Home Depot just to name a few!!!!

Please take a moment to stop by my site and see what I have to offer YOU!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Our 4th of July Celebrations

This year the kids got to ride in our towns annual Fourth of July Parade with their cousins. My brother called us the night before to tell us he would be driving an old custom painted pick-up truck in the parade and he wanted all the kids to ride in the back.

When we met Uncle Ted at the parade he told us an adult had to ride in the back with the kids, so I had to climb in and ride along. I have to admit it's a little unnerving to ride along having 100's of people stare and wave at you, but the kids LOVED it.

After the parade we had just enough time to head home so I could make 24 cupcakes, a chocolate cake and two batches of brownies to bring to the BBQ at Auntie Traci's.

At the BBQ we had a great time and starting at dusk we started doing fireworks. The kids had a TON of fun.

We didn't get home until after 11pm!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

One year later..........

A year ago I was sitting outside a Dell Webb hospital ICU with my family waiting for the doctors to sign-off on the removal of my Grandpa's life support. It had been a gruelling 5 days of ups and downs for our family and the decision to have him removed from his respirator was not an easy if it ever would be!! You see, just one month prior my Grandpa was a strong, active fun loving 85yr old man who was looking forward to the upcoming marriage of one granddaughter and the expected delivery of great-grandchild #12. He went to the doctor for a routine physical and came away being diagnosed with lung cancer! Our entire family was in SHOCK!! He was given his treatment nothing, go through 6 months of chemo or have surgery to remove the spot. He opted for surgery, feeling it was the fastest way to be rid of the cancer so he could get bak to living his life.

On May 15 he went in for the surgery and came out 100% cancer free. As a family we were ecstatic!! Then on May 19 he had a massive heart attack and was put on a respirator. My family flew to AZ on May 21 and over the next 5 days we slowly watched his life slip away.

On May 26 I added another event to my list of "Most Meaningful Events" in my life. I watched my Grandpa take his last breath on earth. Yes, it was absolutely heart renching, but it was also extremely special. My Grandfather was surrounded by his wife of 63yrs, his 6 children and 8 of his 19 grandchildren. I was am extremely greatful that I was there for his last moments and I had the chance to tell him I loved him and to say "I'll be seeing you!!"........I refuse to say "Goodbye!!"

One year ago I stood in a chapel in front of family, friends and my Grandfathers friends to deliver his euligy. I spoke of my love for him, his smile, his love of a good joke and most of all his love of his family and the dynasty an only child from a broken home built.

My Grandfather was the patriarch of a family who adored him without question and who miss him everyday. So today, one year later, I'd like to share my Grandpa with you!

Bart Bestor
August 15, 1921-May 26, 2007

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Father and Daughter

A few weeks ago Steve and Amelia attended a Father-Daughter, Uncle-Niece, Granddaughter-Grandfather Dance at her preschool. They had dinner, dancing and cupcakes along with a boat load of fun!! Amelia was excited just to have her Daddy all to her self!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

SF Giants vs. Cin. Reds

A few weekends ago it was Little League Day at AT&T Park in San Francisco. 3 of our 4 kiddies play T-Ball and together with their Daddy and fellow team matres got to walk the feild and spend the day at the ball park. Everyone had a blast, even Em.

Team Owlz walking the field prior to game time.

The Toothless Tilly Twins

Our Kiddies.

Our Little Family. Amelia was pouting....why? We were never quite sure! LOL!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Here she is in action

I'm thinking this is a hobby she will pursue for many years....or even choose it as a career. Either that or Fashion Stylist/Designer. I post those pics another day!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Furture Photographer????

The Photographer!
This last weekend my sister and I took the kids for a hike on Mt.Burdell. Olivia took PamPay's camera and went to town taking pictures. She had a HUGE smile on her face and kept saying "Mommy I really like taking pictures, this is fun!!" All of the pictures below were taken by Olivia (age 6)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Organization: Flowers

I love flowers!!! I have to say, flowers were by far the most frustrating item to organize. As I've mentioned before I need my supplies to be portable. This system I came up with works really well, and leaves me room to "grow!"

First, I sorted my flowers by color, then I put like flowers together in small ziploc snack bags. In some cases I had a large amount of the flowers so I used sandwich bags.
Then I put all the smaller bags inside a 1gallon ziploc bag (with a zipper slide) marked with the color.
After I had all my flowers bags sorted, I folded the bottom of the 1 gallon bag over 1" at the bottom and secured with tape. Once all were taped I punched holes in the double fold and put them in a 5" Heavy Duty binder.

Now when I pack for a crop all I need to grab is the binder, which fits easily in my Cropper Hopper XXL tote.