Saturday, December 22, 2007

Getting Organized.

If you will recall the thing that triggered my "Give-Away" game was that I was organizing and RE-organizing my scrap supplies and finding lots I don't want any longer.
I thought I would share some of my organization with you, because if your anything like me you always want to do other's organize their supplies!!!????? Don't worry, plenty more give-aways are coming....

My scrap area is part of my laundry room (approximately 5 1/2ft wide and 8ft long) plus I have a large cabinet in my garage that houses many supplies. I had to take into consideration the size of my space when I was organizing my supplies. Plus, I attend crops so I wanted my supplies to be easily transported, but still easily accessible while scrapping at home.

I'll start with MAGAZINES..............I have subscriptions to CK, Scrapbooks Ect., Memory Makers and Simple Scrapbooks, not to mention the numerous others I purchase from time to time. I had a hard time throwing them out and my stacks and piles were getting OUT OF CONTROL!!!! Here is a break down of what I do with them now.....

1. After I have read through each mag that arrives I go through again and tear out the pages I like. I tear out LO's, sketches, techniques, color combo's that catch my eye and page topic ideas. When I'm done I THROW IT OUT!!!

2. In a 2" binder I have sheet protectors with the following headings:

*number of photos on the page (1-15+photos; each has it's own sheet protectors)
*Page Ideas
*Color Combos
I sort the pages into their appropriate sheet protector.

3. In the evenings I pull out the binder and start cutting the pages up. I'll cut out around the lo's, simply getting rid of all the excess. After I cut it out it goes back in the binder in it's appropriate sheet protector.

4. Once I have all the items I want cut out, I start glueing them into my "Idea Book". This book is a digital post-bound photo album that I removed the post from and reessembled it with O-rings. It has the exact same catagories as the binder.
I'll share more of my organization over the next few weeks......

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Winner of Game #4 is...............

Kelli Marie!! Congratulations!!!!

You should have already received an email from me!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Give-Away #4

Nancy and Supergirl...........your Basic Grey lunch box kits are on their way!!!!!

OK, up for give-away #4 is a BRAND NEW, UNOPENED Sarabinder mini album kit.
This kit includes:
*one tall sarabinder

*one pack tall lined papers
*one pack tall dividers
*one pack manila pockets
*seven large square slide mounts

all correct answers will be entered in a pool to win. Remember to leave your email IN YOUR FIRST RESPONSE!!!! Sorry, if you forget the first time you will NOT BE entered in the pool!!!

And the lyrics are:
Everybody wants to live,
Like they wanna live and everybody wants to love
Like they wanna love And everybody wants to be
Closer to free
Everybody wants respect, just a little bit And everybody needs a chance, once in a while
Everybody wants to be
Closer to Free
Everybody one
Everybody two everybody free
Everybody needs to touch
You know, now and then
And everybody needs a good, good friend
Everybody wants to be
Closer to
Free I said everybody one
Everybody two
Everybody Free
Everybody wants to live Like they wanna live and everybody wants to love Like they wanna love and everybody wants to be closer to free
Yeah, closer to free
Closer to free.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Don't despair.............

Another game will be up SOON!! and my winners of the Basic Grey Lunch kits will receive their prizes ASAP!

In a household of 6, I'm currently the ONLY one healthy!!!! So, needless to say my time has been VERY limited!

I hope to get to the post office and post another game in the next day or two!! Please bare with me!!!!

Friday, December 7, 2007

And the TWO winners of "Give-Away" #3 are........


Congratulations ladies!!!! You both should have recieved an email from me. Please send me your shipping addresses ASAP!!!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Give-Away #3

Todays "Give-Away" will be given to TWO WINNERS!!!! Again, all correct answers will be put in a pool and two names will be drawn from that. Remember to include your email address or you will get passed over even if you have the correct answer!!!!

Today I'm giving away TWO UNOPENED Basic Grey Lunch Box Tins!

And the lyrics are:

Deep inside the forest is a door into
another land,
Here is our life and home, We are staying, here forever in the
beauty of this place all alone,
We keep on hoping...
Maybe, there's a world where we won't have to run, and
Maybe, there's a time we'll call our own,
Living free in harmony and majesty,
Take me home,
Take me home.

And the Winner of "Give-Away" #2 is.............


Congrates! You should have already received an email from me!