On May 15 he went in for the surgery and came out 100% cancer free. As a family we were ecstatic!! Then on May 19 he had a massive heart attack and was put on a respirator. My family flew to AZ on May 21 and over the next 5 days we slowly watched his life slip away.
On May 26 I added another event to my list of "Most Meaningful Events" in my life. I watched my Grandpa take his last breath on earth. Yes, it was absolutely heart renching, but it was also extremely special. My Grandfather was surrounded by his wife of 63yrs, his 6 children and 8 of his 19 grandchildren. I was am extremely greatful that I was there for his last moments and I had the chance to tell him I loved him and to say "I'll be seeing you!!"........I refuse to say "Goodbye!!"
One year ago I stood in a chapel in front of family, friends and my Grandfathers friends to deliver his euligy. I spoke of my love for him, his smile, his love of a good joke and most of all his love of his family and the dynasty an only child from a broken home built.
My Grandfather was the patriarch of a family who adored him without question and who miss him everyday. So today, one year later, I'd like to share my Grandpa with you!

Bart Bestor
August 15, 1921-May 26, 2007