Monday, September 8, 2008

It's a sickness!!!!

I am truly convinced volunteerism is a sickness!! I can't seem to stop volunteering for crap!!! OK, in the last month here is what I have volunteered for:

Room Parent for Amelia's kindy class--this requires me coordinating all the room parties and correspondences with PTA.
Room Parent for Ty & Livs 1st grade class--same duties as above.
Room workshop volunteer in Amelias class on Tuesday mornings
Room Workshop volunteer in Ty & Livs class on Friday afternoons.
Classroom photographer for Amelia's class.
Co-Leader for Amelias Daisy Girl Scout troop.
Cookie Sales coordinator for Liv's Brownie troop.

These added to the things I had previously volunteered for....
Making 150 wedding invitations for my cousin getting married Jan 30th , 2009.
Live/Silent Auction Chair person for a local non-profit organization raising money for breast cancer research--Auction being held Nov 8, 2008.
Building a website for my brother's custom autobody shop.

All of this voluntewer stuff ON TOP of my already busy schedule.......
Emily ballet Friday mornings.
Tyler soccer practice Monday & Wednesdays with games every Saturday morning.
Tyler football practice every Tues & Thurs with a game every Saturday afternoon.
Amelia Daisy troop meeting every-other Friday afternoon.
Olivia Brownie meeting every-other Wednesday (opposite weeks of Amelia Daisy meetings.)
Doing the books for Steve's business.
Getting my own direct sales homebased business off the ground with business meetings every Tueday night.

And let's not forget the things that the kids want to add.........
Tyler wants to join Cub Scouts.
Olivia wants to play tennis.
Amelia wants to take cooking classes.
Emily wants to take Tap Dance classes.

Oh, and don't let me forget I want to somehow find more time to devote to my scrapbooking and photography!!!!

Seriously, I'm sick!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The decisions we make.......

This past weekend Steve and I headed to a family wedding 5 hours away, yep 5 hours of pure madness in the car with 4 kids. We had the typical "She's touching me!" and "She's being too loud!" and "How much longer?" and "Are we there yet?" conversations. Not to mention the "I'm hungry!" and "I'm thirsty!" and "I'm bored!" statements. Now I must admit I got EXTREMELY frustrated with the last three statements considering I packed each child a snack bag with various different snacks and each child had their own water bottle within their reach and to top it off I put together activity bags for EACH child with coloring books, crayons, books, white boards and white board pens, spiral notebooks and pens, sticker books with stickers PLUS we purchased brand new never before seen DVDs for the ride AND STILL I got the "I'm bored!" uuggghhhh, GOD BLESS AMERICA, I can't win with them!

So moving onto the wedding......Thankfully my children were VERY well behaved and enjoyed themselves until we reached an hour past bedtime and Em began to meltdown which was our cue to leave.

Before we could leave however DH's cousin (the groom) asked us to wait a few minutes because he had an annoucement to make. So we waited..............Cousin began by telling his assembled guest how he and his new wife met, how much they had in comin..blah, blah, blah...then he went on to talk about how we make decisions in life that at the time seem the correct one, but after further evaluation you discover that it really wasn't the best decision you could have made. He followed this statement with announcing that he and his new wife actually got married in January 2006!!! Needless to say this was met with utter silence for a minute or two, followed by the grooms mother making a comment about "wondering" why the bride had changed her name over a year ago. Then someone....I don't know who...said "We love you anyway." and clapping began.

Now, in my opinion, I think this was something that should have been told to the bride and grooms parents privately either before or after the wedding and that it really didn't need to be mentioned to their entire assembly of guest. Again JUST MY OPINION!!