Yep, that's what I said to Olivia after she fell in our front yard on March 10th. The next morning her lower leg was twice the size as her other leg and her foot was pale............"hhmmm, somethings not right here." I though. So, off to Kaiser ER Sunday morning we went. Sure enough, she broke her leg in two places!!
She is now in a thigh high HOT PINK cast! But, she is being a real trooper. Over the last week she has figured out how to move around without help; the crutches they gave us are really hard for her to use. She scoots around on her butt very well! LOL!!
We go back to the doctor on March 26th and if x-rays look good she'll be put in a below the knee cast for an additional 4 weeks.

1 comment:
My name is Lindsey. I was wondering how Olivia broke
her leg, and how bad does it hurt. I've never broken
any bones, yet, but a few of my friends in school,
have, so I have signed several casts. (I've always
wanted to wear one, just for a few days, to see what
it feels like ) My cousin fell off a trampoline 3
days ago, and broke her ankle in 2 places. She had to
have surgery, and is in a LLC for 8 weeks. Any
advice ?????????? What was her experience like
???? do you have any more pics
Could you tell me what the cast feels like, inside,
and how bad does it hurt. How long did she wear it,
or do you still have it. Did she have to have surgery
?? Any pics of hercast ?? Did she like wearing it..
Has broken any other bones, before or since, or
is this her first broken bone ???????????
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