This is a man made rock formation inside a local park in my town. It was built in the early 1960's and was originally a fountain than ran down into a large pond. In the mid- 1970's the city had the fountain feature removed, but left the rock formation and pond. I spent many days playing on this as a kid. Today the pond has been filled in and is now a large grass picnic area, but the rocks are still there for kids to play on.
XTi, 18-55mm lens, AV setting, f5.6. HHCC always welcome.

What a neat place!! Great photos too. TFS
I bet the kids love this! It might be fun to get between the rocks and see different perspectives for shooting pics of the children playing. What an unusual place!
Isn't it sad how things change? I would love to be able to go back and photograph the places I used to play when I was a kid...but they're so different now that it wouldn't be the same (like we used to have this old rusty merry go round that we would play on, and now the town has made the playground safe by removing the merry go round and replacing it with big bulky plastic structures... ) bah!
I love nature pics, thanks for sharing.
very interesting shot. this is a cool park. way cool shot.
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