1. In high school my career ambition was to be a journalist.
2. In college my career ambition was to be an interior decorated.
3. After college I became a teacher.
4. I'm now a SAHM and love it!!
5. I have more scrapbook supplies than I will ever use.
6. #5 does not stop me from buying more scrap supplies.
7. The last movie I saw in the theater was "Happy Feet".....Hated it!!
8. The last time DH and I had a "Date Night" was in November 2006.
9. Photography is my new passion.
10. I love the show "That's So Raven". Watch it everyday!! Raven Simone cracks me up!!
11. My favorite music genre is country.
12. My favorite color is PINK!!! Any shade....LOVE IT!!
13. My earliest memory is of my sister swallowing a dime in our kitchen. I was about 2yrs old, she was 11yrs old. Very vivid memory for me!!
14. I rarely ever get a solid nights sleep.
15. I love to bake.
16. I love planning elaborit birthday parties for my kids.
17. I think #16 stems from only having one birthday party during my childhood....My 10th. My birthday falls right around Thanksgiving..sometimes on Thanksgiving, so my birthday was always celebrated on Thanksgiving.
18. I'm my grandparents 6th grandchild out of 19.
19. My kids are my grandparents 8th, 9th,10th and 11th great-grandchildren.
20. I sleep with 3 pillows, and NO I don't share!!
21. I spent every summer between the ages of 7 and 16 living with my Aunt and Uncle in Los Angelas.
22. I've been to Disneyland 11 times.
23. My favorite ride at Disneyland is Thunder Mountain Railroad.
24. I Love rollercoasters.
25. I've never been in a Hot Air Balloon.
26. I live less than 30 minutes from the Napa Valley and have never been to a winery or wine tasting.
27. I have no desire to do #'s 25 or 26.
28. I'm disorganizingly organized. My caos makes perfect sense to me and I know what is in every pile!!!
29. You will not find a wire coat hanger in my house!
30. Each person in my house has a different color hanger designated soley to them....Mine are all black flocked, DH's are brown plastic, DS are blue plastic, DD#1 are pink plastic, DD#2 are purple plastic and DD#3 are white plastic. Makes it easier for my kids, especially DD's #2 and 3 who share a closet, to know whos clothes are whos.
31. It drives me crazy if other people load my dishwasher or put my dishes away.
32. Yes, I'm a little OCD about somethings!
33. I only wear white socks and white panties.
34. I own a bra in just about every color of the rainbow.
35. I really want a pink purse, but haven't found a style I like yet.
36. I only own two purses that I rotate between...a Coach backpack and a Kate Spade tote.
37. On my list of things to do before I die is to visit every State. So far I've been to Nevada, Wyoming, New York, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Colorado, Utah and Missouri.
38. My dream vacation would be to go to Scotland, Wales and England.
39. Currently saving my pennies for #38.
40. I beleive in "love at first sight"
41. I beleive everyone has a soulmate.
42. I beleive everything happens for a reason. Grant it, you may never understand what "That " reason is, but there's a reason non-the-less.
43. Talking dolls creep me out.
44. I didn't have the chicken pox until I was 13yrs old, even though I was exposed MANY times during my childhood.
45. My favorite board game is Life.
46. My favorite movie is Pride & Predjudice with Kiera Knightly.
47. My favorite book series is the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon.
48. Although I like several TV shows, my #1 fav is The Amazing Race.
49. My favorite ice cream is mint chip.
50. My favorite snack food is David's sunflower seeds.
Don't know what happened to the spacing on this....sorry!!
Lovely photo. You have a beautiful family.
Love the family photo! We really need to get one done...yet I am the one always behind the camera!
Beautiful photo. You have a beautiful family
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