1. I'm married to my high school sweetheart. We've been together 18yrs (married for 9)
2. I'm the youngest of 5 kids-- 4 girls, 1 boy...same parents
3. I was raised by a single parent. No divorce, my dad passed away after 12 yrs of marriage.
4. I gave birth to 4 kids in just under 3years after dealing with infertility issues for 4 years.
5. I hate motorcycles.
6. I love scary movies
7. I think banana's are the most disgusting food on the planet.
8. I could eat Thanksgiving dinner 365 days a year.
9. I'm the shortest person in my ENTIRE family over the age of 12. No Joke!! When someone reaches age 12 they are the same height as me, but then I quickly get passed over.
10. I'm named after my aunt (first name)and my grandmother (middle name)
11. I'm a night owl.
12. I hate red shoes
13. I'm ticklish just about every where
14. I've never had a pedicure....ticklish issue
15. I have no "life long" friends that live near me.
16. I've lived in Northern California my entire life.
17. I've been out of the country only once in my life.....Tahiti on my honeymoon.
18. I shop at Target twice a week.
19. I rarely ever wear make-up.
20. I love genealogy research.
21. I love to read trashy romance novels........average 4/week.
22. I refuse to ever let my hair be grey......I'll color it until the day I die!!!
23. I only wear v-neck sweaters and shirts.
24. I miss my dog Addie every day...She passed away May 16, 2005 at the age of 16. She was a Border Collie/Australian Shepherd mix and the smartest and best dog ever!! Love Ya My Girl!!!!
25. I'm addicted to Diet Coke....I have atleast 4 cans a day.
26. I have reached the conclusion I will never be "caught up" on laundry,
27. I've had the same cell phone for 5 years.
28. I wear my emotions on my sleeve.
29. I suffered Severe Post Partum Depression.
30. I don't like cats.
31. I started wearing glasses when I was 9.
32. I started wearing contacts when I was 13.
33. I still wear contacts today.
34. I'm a worrier.
35. I don't like to garden.
36. I was hit by a car when I was 4yrs old. Not seriously hurt, but spent the night in the hospital and had MAJOR road rash on my face. I have a small scar on the side of my nose and one on my knee.
37. Along the same lines as #36, I slipped in a swimming pool and almost drowned when I was 2yrs old. My uncle found me at the bottom of the pool.
38. My nickname for my entire childhood, and which a few family members still call me, was Hooter. Growing up very few non-family member people new what my real name was because everyone called me Hooter.
39. Not one wall in my house is white.
40. My great-grandfather was Jack Benny's band leader on Radio in the 1930's.
41. I've owned 4 cars in my adult life and each one was a bit bigger than the previous; CRX-Accord-Expoler-Suburban.
42. I only own two pairs of jeans.
43. I talk to my mom every day.
44. I still have my prom dress from 1991.
45. I still have my Pop Warner cheerleading outfit from 1986-87 and my pom poms.
46. When my twins were born in 2001, my hair was below my waist.
47. I can't do math in my head.
48. I stress about money EVERYDAY!
49. I was a nail biter until I started getting regular manicures. I have to keep them manicured or I bite them. Nervous habit.
50. I own close to 75 pairs of shoes.
50 more tomorrow........
Nice introduction. Did you say 75 pair of shoes??!! Cool about your grandpa- gotta love those big bands! :-)
How far North are you? Santa Rosa is my hometown...sometimes I miss it. TFS!
Lovely pic. Nice to see you
Teresa - Yes, about 75 and I'm ashamed to admit I wear the same 4 pairs regularly!
amanda - I'm very close to Santa Rosa. I'm in Novato.
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